Rainbow Omega was founded in 1991 by Stentson and Dianne Carpenter. Their vision was to provide a sheltered community for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities and to provide parents an answer to the question:
“What will happen to my child when I can no longer provide care in my home?”
One of our parents put it best when she said,
“Rainbow Omega is an answer to a prayer that I didn’t know how to pray.”
The first two group homes opened in 1995 to serve 16 individuals. Since that time, our operations have grown exponentially. Today, we have 88 individuals and an operational budget of more than $10 million.
Our Mission
To glorify God by ensuring that adults with developmental disabilities have a safe home where their abilities and potentials are respected and nurtured in a Christian environment.
Our Vision
Rainbow Omega will be a non-institutional environment that instills both a family and a community atmosphere where individuals experience quality standards of care while enabling them to grow spiritually and to have productive, joy-filled and independent lives.
Our Values
We believe in the sanctity, dignity and worth of each person.
We are committed to the well-being of individuals regardless of their disability.
We respect and support the families of the individuals we serve.
We diligently steward the generous gifts provided by our benefactors.
We are guided by and uphold the highest principles in all we do.

“For the last three decades, Rainbow Omega has worked tirelessly to unlock the full potential of some of our most remarkable Alabamians. To be recognized by a globally renowned company like Honda shows that this organization is accomplishing its mission day in and day out.” Governor Kay Ivey